Restoration of the Palace park in Rogalin

Creating and maintaining an organized with man hand vegetation always required a lot of work and resources. These fragile works of human thought, which are the gardens or parks, in the time of suspension of treatment quickly "run wild", that is, return to the natural composition of plants typical of the local habitat. Therefore, a well-preserved old parks and gardens are so few. In a few places occurred in fact sufficiently advantageous conditions in order to throughout the period of their duration (sometimes 200 - 300 years and more) systematically cultivate them. The park in Rogalin is such a place. Also here, however, were better and worse years. This particularly applies to World War II and many years after the war, which brought a number of negative changes in its composition. Despite various maintenance works, based on the current state of knowledge, capabilities and methodologies, their ultimate effect does not brought results, appropriate from our point of view. This is well illustrated by the accompanying photographs from the seventies and eighties of the twentieth century.

Since the 90s of the previous century, restoration works are carried out in an evolutionary way, designed to by small steps systematically restore the former glory of garden - park composition. It is a slow process (often for the effects you have to wait twenty or more years), constant and demanding multi-generational cohesion of actions. Successor must properly understand the intent of predecessors and not succumbing to temptation of creation focus their efforts on the elimination of unwanted interference, and above all for consolidating and  further reproduction of the original concept. Experience shows that a guarantee of success are well chosen gardeners lasting in positions throughout their professional life.

Presented below compilation of photographs from different times show the same places in the park and garden, which underwent important, preferred transformation. Contemporary photographs often do not show the target effects. The process of improving the appearance of individual fragments of the park continues and hopefully will be conducted in the future.